Rappahannock Coffee & Neighbors
September 28, 2015Neighborhood: Columbia Heights - Town Center

The block running along the south side of the Pike from S. Barton to S. Wayne contains some historical buildings, the famous Bob and Edith's Diner along with two gas stations and the building that used to house Saah Furniture. There are two historical buildings. The first houses Rappahannock Coffee 2406 and Cabinet ERA 2408, the second LA Nails 2338, along with Logic Computer Solutions 2340 and Morris Van's Hair Design 2342.k Both buildings were originally listed as historical structures but that has been modified to only include their facades. The facades will be incorporated into a future new development at 2400 Columbia Pike.

Saah Furniture
The former home of Saah Unfinished Furniture (orange awings) at 2330 is just across the alley from LA Nails. At the moment there does not appear to be a business there. Saah Furniture is a family business that was located at this spot for 58 years. They have another store in Alexandria. Both stores were consolidated within the Alexandria Location in March 2009.
1939 - 2408 Columbia Pike
Before and After
In the 1920s the
B.M. Smith moved to the 2400 block of Columbia Pike and established his residence. This area was subsequently redeveloped and has a number of commercial establishments...& image B.M. Smith.
Today B. M. Smith and Associates plan to redevelop the area of the block that contains the Rappahannock Coffee, LA Nails and the former Saah Unfinished Furniture building.
Arlington County lists The architects Shariro - O'Brien give a description, along with illustrations of the building. image from Shariro - O'Brien I have not been able to find very much concrete information but did learn that the redevelopment is on hold for the moment. The illustrations are in the pliminary stages. Update May 2016: 2400 Columbia Pike Development.
2400 (SE corner of S. Barton St; 6-story, mixed-use building with 13,500 SF of ground-floor retail, 105 residential, market rate units and preservation of existing historic facades)
Arlington County as being in the early stages of their review process for redevelopment.
Gas Stations
The two gas stations, Libertyat 2300 and Citgo at 2324 are separated by Bob and Edith's Diner. The sign says Libery but the full name is Pentagon Liberty. It is a Gas Station / Auto Service Center. Citgo is a locally owned and operated Gas Station / Convenience Store, where you can get some groceries, snacks and coffee. The Key Apartments are located at 2112 at the corner of Columbia Pike and South Courthouse Road. They are right at the eastern boundry of the Town Center. Behind them you can see 2120 Columb Pike apartments. "Smith family members subsequently purchased this apartment building, [Key Apartments] in 1984". BM Smith
In front of the Key Apartments is a bus stop which I think was build at the same time as the apartments.
Bob and Edith's Diner
Bob and Edith's diner at 2310 Collumbia Pike is a very popular, well known 24/7 eatery. Robert and Edith Bolton purchased (which was then) Gray's Donut Diner in 1969. Their sons Robert jr. and Greg became the owners in the early 1990s and Greg and his wife Victoria became the sole owners in 1995 after the untimely death of Robert jr. Recenty Greg and Victoria's Children Tammy and Chris have began to take the reins.
A few years ago Bob and Ediths expaned to open another locattion at Columbia Pike and Buchanan Street which was not as sucessful and closed after a few years. They have expanded yet again, this time into Chrystal City which appears to be very sucessesful and there are plans to branch out futher in the future. The earlier diner, was built on the homesite of Alice Petty (B.M. Smith’s sister). BM Smith
The buildings rising behind the Gas Stations and Bob and Edith's are on South Wayne Street. One is The Barkley Condominiums at 1016 on the western side of the street and across the road is a very simular building listed only as 2200 Columbia Pike but the main lobby appears to be on S. Wayne
Walkscore gives these locations very high ratings;
Walking gets 86 which is very walkable, Biking gets 74 which is very