Elkin Building
July 20, 2015
Updated June 24th 2019
Town Center: 2601 - 2811 Columbia Pike north side
Elkin Building
The Elkin Building is to the west at Walter Reed and is across from Pike Park on Columbia Pike . The architecture of the Elkin's Building is in the Art Deco style, it has an historical designation which covers the facard of the building. It has frontage on both the Pike and S. Walter Reed Dr. It has two stories with nine businesses at street level and a surprising 17 on the second floor. There has been very little turnover for businesses in this building. The majority of the retail business have been there for more than ten years and and many for a lot longer. In 2007 the signage was changed and the facard of the building was cleaned.
Businesses facing the Pike

Facing Walter Reed

Blues Festival
Every June there is a Blues Festival and stalls etc are set-up in front of the Elkin building on Walter Reed. The stage is set-up futher along Walter Reed near to the library.

There has been very little turnover in the ground floor businesses only two have left in the last 10 years. Twisted Vines which opened in 2010 was replaced by Acme Pie Company in June 2019. Previously Chef Sol Schott of Acme had used the kitchen space at Twisted Vines to produced his pies. Twisted Vines was owned by Tony Wagner who also owned Brickhause which was across the street. Wagner closed both Twisted Vines and Brickhause to open Josephine's Italian Kitchen in December 2018 which was in Penrose Square. Josephen's closed in June 2019.
Eye Site Optometrists used to be where Papillion Cycles, 2805 is now and Papillion used to be at 2809 they switches locations sometime between 2012 and 2014. Sometime after that Eye Site left this location and State Farm Insurance moved in.

The original buildings at the intersection of South Walter Reed and Columbia Pike. photo; Arlington Heights Civic Association